We were there getting our fruits and vegetables, My husband is on a navel orange kick. They had beautiful huge sunkist navel oranges that day, well we didn’t just walk away with a couple of oranges, we didn’t walk away with a bag of oranges, no my husband bought a whole case of oranges . We had to pull the truck up to load them into the back cause we couldn’t carry them! I love him to pieces but extreme is his middle name, so after almost a week of him eating 2 or 3 oranges a night while watching tv I still have some left in the fridge. So , what should I do with all these wonderful oranges taking up alot of space in the fridge? Make muffins!! This recipe came from Razzle Dazzle. I loved this recipe the minute I read it. First of all because I love putting yogurt in things that I bake, I love the softness it adds , then the flavor , it sounded so good…..orange marrying with white chocolate ! This is a very soft orange flavor, that comes from the zest and juice of the orange (which I had plenty of) , now imagine the white chocolate randomly through out the muffin, yeah this is a good muffin, when you taste it it makes you wanna say….mmmm.
AUTHOR: Sydney